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What’s your most valuable asset? Where are you at risk?

It’s easy to think about securing hard assets, property, client data, and your investments in technology, research, and development as well as the numerous other tangible and intangible products of your business. But have you considered how vulnerable you are and the risks you face from an employee who has access to your facilities who is not properly protected at home? From workplace violence finding its way from your place of business to your employees’ homes, to threats that may compromise to your facilities.

We are not discussing bodyguards, evasive driving techniques, or general personal protection techniques. Our goal is to get you started thinking about basic and effective security practices for key employees who:

  • Could be considered at-risk
  • Could potentially be the object of a disgruntled former employee’s anger
  • Could be targeted at home
  • Could be targeted as an effective means of circumventing your current facility security—e.g., through a planned early morning or off-hours ambush

Dramatically Improve Your Security

...without adding a single piece of equipment. Speak with an ISG security consultant about implementing strong policies and procedures along with quality electronics.

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